Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik FB10
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
Email: x@y where x=mann.lucas and y=uni-muenster.de
Office: Room 301a
Currently I am a post-doc in the working group of Eugen Hellmann. I completed my PhD at the University of Bonn under the supervision of Peter Scholze.
Here is my CV (Last updated: July 2024).
I am working in the field of arithmetic geometry, with my main interest lying in the geometric Langlands program. I am also interested in and apply methods from Clausen-Scholze’s condensed mathematics.
Descent for solid quasi-coherent sheaves on perfectoid spaces.
Preprint (2024).
The 6-Functor Formalism for $\mathbb Z_\ell$- and $\mathbb Q_\ell$-Sheaves on Diamonds.
Preprint (2022).
p-adic sheaves on classifying stacks, and the p-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence (with David Hansen).
Preprint (2022).
A p-Adic 6-Functor Formalism in Rigid-Analytic Geometry.
Preprint (2022, Ph.D. thesis).
The p-adic Corlette–Simpson correspondence for abeloids (with Ben Heuer and Annette Werner).
Mathematische Annalen (2022, journal).
Local systems on diamonds and p-adic vector bundles (with Annette Werner).
International Mathematics Research Notices (2022, journal).
Normal and Irreducible Adic Spaces, the Openness of Finite Morphisms and a Stein Factorization.
Preprint (2022, journal).